SEAPRO offers training programs for discharge response personnel to assist member companies in complying with State and Federal requirements. State of Alaska regulations regarding occupational safety and health regulations are included in the General Safety Code, Occupational Health and Environmental Control Code, Construction Code, Petroleum Code, Hazardous Waste Operations, and Emergency Response and Hazard Communication Code. Federal regulations concerning the safety and health of employees involved in clean up operations are covered under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910.120 which is more commonly referred to as HAZWOPER (an acronym for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response).
The HAZWOPER section of OSHA requires that all employees on a site (including supervisors and managers) who are or may be exposed to hazardous substances, health hazards, or safety hazards shall receive training before they are permitted to work under these conditions. Furthermore, HAZWOPER also requires that trained individuals shall receive annual refresher training of sufficient content and duration to maintain their competencies in these areas.
SEAPRO currently offers training courses year round throughout Southeast Alaska and via the internet. The courses are designed to comply with OSHA HAZWOPER requirements. The SEAPRO training library is continually being updated and expanded. A syllabus for each course and the current Instructor Lead traing schedule, as well as access to SEAPRO's Online Learning Center and the most up to date information regarding training content can be viewed below.
Training Records are maintained by SEAPRO for all individuals who have completed training classes. SEAPRO uses it online Learning Center to maintain training records. This system allows Supervisors rapid retrieval of individual training records, schedules to training classes, and provides instant identification of individuals needing refresher training.
State of Alaska regulations regarding contents of oil discharge and contingency plans under 18 AAC 75.425 specify that the following information be included within the training section of a plan:
"A detailed description of the training programs for discharge response personnel."
Contents of the Training section are further explained in the Approval Criteria section of the regulations under 18 AAC 75.445(j):
"In addition to maintaining continuous compliance with other applicable state and federal training requirements, the plan holder shall demonstrate that designated oil spill response personnel are trained and kept current in the specifics of plan implementation, including deployment of containment boom, operation of skimmers and lightering equipment, and organization and mobilization of personnel and resources. The plan holder shall ensure that proof of training is maintained for three years and is made available to the department upon request."
ADEC Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan: Application and Review Guidelines request the following information regarding required contents of this section:
"... a detailed description of the training programs for discharge response personnel."