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SEAPRO Technical Manual

Part 5 - Mobilization/Deployment Strategies

SEAPRO Information

The purpose of this section is to provide the information necessary for the development of deployment strategies in each SEAPRO zone. (Refer to SEAPRO Zone Map). A series of matrices are provided here to answer the following questions:

  1. What equipment is needed;
  2. Where is it located;
  3. Who owns it;
  4. Where are potential staging areas;
  5. How can/must it be transported; and
  6. How long will it take to move the equipment from its storage location to a staging area and then to the site of the spill.

SEAPRO Owned and Contracted Equipment

SEAPRO Owned Equipment

SEAPRO maintains several different equipment systems in its inventory. The needs of the planholder (size of spill, location, equipment shortfall) dictate SEAPRO’s response. We anticipate, upon notification, the first SEAPRO system to be mobilized would be our OSRV (Oil Spill Response Vessel) and an ORB (Oil Reponse Barge). This containment and recovery system consists of oleophilic skimmers, 820 feet of inflatable containment boom, and 249 barrels of temporary storage. This system is quickly mobilized and easily transported. SEAPRO has components of these systems, located in communities throughout Southeast Alaska, for deployment.

SEAPRO has pre-positioned response equipment in each zone. A complete list of all equipment, as well as descriptions and specifications is available through the following links:

Locations of SEAPRO equipment caches are available is available in SEAPRO Equipment Caches By Zone

Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5
Zone 6
Zone 7
Zone 8
Zone 9

Component Systems

Most of SEAPRO Component Systems consist of containment/deflection boom, boom anchor systems, personal safety equipment, and shoreline/nearshore recovery equipment. The modular system components are relatively compact and easily transported by surface or air. Some of this equipment may be the first mobilized to the scene by the local plan holder. Since the reserve equipment will likely be mobilized from a depot some distance away, its mobilization can be conducted concurrently to arrive at a later time. Additional equipment caches will be established throughout the region and existing caches augmented, in accordance with SEAPRO’s capitalization plan.

SEAPRO also has other equipment that is used to support or enhance the existing SEAPRO systems. Included are bird hazing kits, which are stored in plastic totes. The totes are easily hand carried and are, therefore, extremely portable. (For additional information on wildlife hazing, equipment required, approvals, permits, etc., see Wildlife Protection Guidelines). All SEAPRO equipment systems are maintained in a ready condition and are available to every SEAPRO member 24-hours a day. Notification procedures to access and mobilize SEAPRO equipment are described in the Response Action Plan section of this plan.

Personnel to fill the myriad roles in a response effort are available from SEAPRO’s Responder Pool, which numbers in excess of 150 trained, equipped personnel. These people are located throughout Southeast Alaska. These teams can be transported from anywhere in the region by any common carrier or other mode of transportation that can safely transport people.

Active Responders by Zone

A graph of the current Response Team numbers by zone can be seen by clicking Responder Icon

SEAPRO Member-owned Equipment

SEAPRO members have contractually committed equipment to SEAPRO through the blanket purchase order agreement for oil spill response. This contracted equipment consists of an array of oil spill containment and recovery equipment, as well as other equipment that is particularly useful during a spill response. The actual oil spill containment/recovery equipment is grouped into systems wherever possible. In those instances where an entire “system” could not be compiled, the equipment is listed individually (in the attached matrices) and is used to augment the main SEAPRO systems.

Some of the SEAPRO members who have committed equipment to SEAPRO are regulated by the State of Alaska under 18 AAC 75.470 (f). In accordance with this regulation, SEAPRO has listed only 60% of the equipment committed by those regulated members. For those unregulated (by the State of Alaska) SEAPRO members who have committed equipment, SEAPRO has listed 100% of the committed equipment. SEAPRO's website contains all equipment according to zone and transients’ equipment.

Many members have committed equipment to SEAPRO that is not specifically oil spill containment and recovery equipment, yet is extremely useful during spill response (e.g. tugs and barges). It is SEAPRO’s policy to utilize member committed equipment whenever possible before securing commercially available equipment. Because of this policy, much of the transportation equipment used to move SEAPRO equipment around the region is provided by the SEAPRO membership.

Potential Staging Areas

The following table is a list of potential staging areas for the different SEAPRO zones:

Zone 1
  1. Samson Tug and Barge
  2. City Dock
  3. Alaska Ship and Drydock
  4. Alaska Marine Lines
  5. Boyer Alaska Barge Line
  6. U.S. Coast Guard Base, Ketchikan
  7. Saxman Seaport
  8. TOSCO Terminal
  9. Petro Marine Services
  10. Nelbro Packing
  11. Ketchikan Airport
  12. Ward Cove Industries
Zone 2
  1. Craig Petro Marine Services
  2. Klawock Airport
Zone 3
  1. Petersburg Airport, Petersburg
  2. Petro Marine Services, Petersburg
  3. Campbell Towing, Wrangell
  4. Wrangell Airport, Wrangell
  5. City Dock, Wrangell
Zone 4
  1. Kake Tribal Corporation
Zone 5
  1. Samson Tug and Barge
  2. Alaska Marine Lines
  3. U.S. Coast Guard Pier
  4. Allen Marine Ways
  5. Sitka Airport
Zone 6
  1. Gustavus Airport
  2. Pelican Seafoods, Pelican
  3. Pelican Seafoods, Elfin Cove
June 7
  1. Crowley Fuels
  2. Delta Western
  3. Samson Tug and Barge
  4. Alaska Marine Lines
  5. Juneau Airport
Zone 8
  1. Petro Marine Services, Skagway
  2. Alaska Marine Lines
  3. Water Taxi Dock, Skagway
  4. Water Taxi Dock, Haines
Zone 9
  1. Yakutat Airport
  2. City Dock

Transportation Times By Zone

A Transportation Time Table Quick Reference Application (T⊃3QRA) has been developed for planning purposes. The use of this tool requires Microsoft Excel and you will need to make sure ActiveX components are enabled to ensure it works properly. To download this application right click here and select "Save target as" from the menu to download¹ this planning tool.

Additionally, SEAPRO has developed a planning web application to aid in developing realistic scenarios, plan a drill or identify tactics, strategies and resources during an event. You can access the here.

¹"Save target as" only available in Internet Explorer or FireFox

Guidelines for Developing Equipment Deployment Strategies

To demonstrate the equipment deployment strategy necessary to meet a particular response planning standard, SEAPRO suggests following the process outlined below. SEAPRO has developed the response strategy scenarios in Response Scenerios using this procedure as an example.

  1. Identify the zone in which the spill (or potential spill) has occurred.
  2. Identify the SEAPRO owned equipment system(s) needed to make up the equipment shortfall at the spill site (See SEAPRO Equipment).
  3. Identify the zone in which the above equipment is located.
  4. Identify the transportation mode to be utilized to transport the equipment from the zone in which the equipment is stored to the zone in which the spill has occurred.
  5. Allow a minimum of 2 hours to remove the equipment from storage and deliver it to the staging area. This pad has been built into all transit times calculated in the T3QRA. Adjust these times if circumstances dictate a different allowance.
  6. Use the transit times by mode from the storage zone to the spill zone via the selected transportation mode provided in the T3QRA.
  7. Add the time to transport the equipment from the staging area in the spill zone to the spill site. The T3QRA uses 110 knots for aircraft and 10 knots for vessels. Adjust these speeds if circumstances dictate a different allowance.

SEAPRO and Member-Owned Equipment Deployment Matrices

Sample Response Equipment Deployment Matrix

The Sample Response Equipment and Deployment Matrix for Maximum Response Planning Standard (RPS) Scenarios is provided here to assist member companies in developing deployment strategies. The State of Alaska requires that a member company provide detailed information in their scenarios regarding the location of response equipment, staging areas, transport methods, and transport times to both the staging area and the spill site. By using the following matrix and integrating SEAPRO-specific equipment information (provided in this section), SEAPRO member companies will be able to demonstrate that they have the resources to respond to an oil spill as required by their individual RPS. It is important that member companies are cognizant of the specific headings in the matrix because the State of Alaska will verify that this information is adequately analyzed and described in your contingency plans.The matrices that follow list the equipment systems owned by or available to SEAPRO for spill response. By working through these lists, a plan holder can decide what equipment is needed for its particular planning standard, from which zone the equipment will be mobilized, what transportation mode can be used to get the equipment to a staging area, and how long that mobilization will take.

SEAPRO owned and SEAPRO member owned equipment is available through two different contractual arrangements: Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) and Response Action Contracts (RACs). Both of these are contracts between SEAPRO and SEAPRO member companies. Member-owned response equipment and personnel are made available to SEAPRO through the MOU, whereas SEAPRO-owned response equipment is made available to SEAPRO members through the RAC.

SEAPRO owned equipment is listed by zone, above in SEAPRO Owned Equipment. Individual pieces are grouped with other pieces to form “equipment systems”. Individual pieces listed by themselves are stand alone systems (e.g. bird hazing kits). The lists additional SEAPRO owned equipment which is not part of a “system” but which may be useful during a spill response.

The MOU Equipment list depicts SEAPRO member owned equipment which has contractually been dedicated to SEAPRO for spill response. A list of this equipment is available from the SEAPRO office upon request.

Because of the variety of systems available, their dispersion within a particular zone, and the variety of transportation modes available between zones, SEAPRO cannot assign a hard and fast mobilization time for each individual equipment system. For response planning standard purposes, a minimum of one hour and a maximum of four hours should be added to the mobilization time in order to account for the time needed to transport any particular equipment system from its storage location to the transporting site (i.e. dock, airport, seaplane float, etc.). The plan holder must use his/her discretion when developing this initial mobilization and transportation time. The SEAPRO staff can provide realistic mobilization times on a case by case basis for each piece of SEAPRO equipment in the SEAPRO inventory, upon request.

Regulatory Citations

State Regulations

State of Alaska regulation (18 AAC 75.425) regarding oil discharge and contingency plan contents specify that the following information be included in the Deployment Strategies section of a plan:

"A description of proposed initial response actions that may be taken, including:(i) procedures for the transport of equipment, personnel., and other resources to the spill site, including plans for alternative methods in adverse weather conditions; and (ii) if the operator is not the primary spill responder, procedures to notify and mobilize the response action contractor or other responder identified in the plan, including a description of the interim actions that the operator will perform until the responder identified in the plan initiates a full response to the discharge."

Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Guidelines

ADEC Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan Application and Review Guidelines provide, in part, the following regarding required contents of this section:

"The plan must describe mobilization and deployment strategies which demonstrate the ability to respond to a spill of the specified volume within the specified time frame as set forth in the applicable RPS.

Care must be taken not to confuse mobilization time with deployment time. For example, when a spill occurs, recovery equipment may have to be transported from a storage depot located at a distance from the spill site. The amount of time it takes the equipment to reach the spill site is the mobilization time. Once the equipment is on site, it must be properly configured within the confines of the spill before it can begin to recover oil. This is the deployment time, which must be addressed in Section 1 Part 6."